How to Set Coverages for a Quote
A walk through of options to set coverages on a quote.
coverages along with the profile comprise the two core pieces of data Root needs in order to generate a quote that can provide premium information. There are a few options all presume the state the customer lives in is known.
- Your Root Api key can be configured such that valid coverages are automatically generated and attached to your quote. You might consider this option if you are only looking to generate an estimated quote for marketing purposes or only want to so what Root would recommend for coverages levels.
- You can request a suggested coverage package from Root. Root will provide a selection of coverage packages which can be separately attached to the quote in a different api call.
- If you want full control over which coverages are selected or what to have a customer driven quote customization flow you can request all available coverages in a given market.
Some of these steps are also detailed in the Fully Embedded Experience for additional context.
Solution 1: Automatically Assigned Coverages.
Let our team know this is your desired option and we can enable this for your api key. We have a set of potential coverage packages we could assign to your quotes by default. We can discussion what is best for your company.
Example Implementation
Here your dev team will only need to provide valid profile information. Here is an example request payload to our quote create endpoint
curl --request POST \
--url https://{environment}/bind_api/v3/quoting/quote \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '
"profile": {
"address1": "80 E Rich St",
"city": "Columbus",
"customerConsentTimestamp": "2023-02-21T09:46:33.000-05:00",
"eDelivery": true,
"email": "{some_email_address}",
"homeownerStatus": "own",
"phoneNumber": "555-555-5555",
"policyholderDriverId": "db782c0d-0d7c-4675-af8d-28610f47d9d8",
"state": "OH",
"zip": "43215",
"drivers": [
"id": "db782c0d-0d7c-4675-af8d-28610f47d9d8",
"dob": "1990-01-01",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"licenseNumber": "SS415532",
"licenseState": "OH",
"status": "Covered",
"collegeGraduate": true,
"gender": "M",
"maritalStatus": "Married"
"vehicles": [
"status": "Covered",
"vin": "JTHBW1GG8E2042488",
"garagingAddress1": "80 E Rich St",
"garagingCity": "Columbus",
"garagingState": "OH",
"garagingZip": "43215",
"make": "Honda",
"model": "Civic",
"year": 2020
This example should then respond with coverages and eventually premium after polling our quote get endpoint
Solution 2: Assigned Suggested Coverages.
If your team would prefer providing a few options to your customer or dynamically pick a coverage package based on some logic without the desire for full customization you can lean on the suggested coverages endpoint to meet this need.
Updated 9 months ago