Estimated quote (RC1) requirements

PropertyRequest payload locationNotes
Address Line 1quote.profile.address1
Address Statequote.profile.state
Policyholder Driver IDquote.profile.policyholderDriverIdThis UUID value is arbitrary, but must match the ID property of a driver also included in the payload.
Driver First Namequote.profile.drivers[].firstName
Driver Last Namequote.profile.drivers[].lastName
Driver Date of Birthquote.profile.drivers[].dobThe driver's date of birth in ISO 8601 full-date format. See RFC 3339 section 5.6:
Driver ID*quote.profile.drivers[].idAn ID value must be attached to the PNI driver, so that we can refer to it in the policyholderDriverId.
Vehicle VINquote.profile.vehicles[].vinRoot can accept "short VIN"s to generate estimated quotes, although full VIN values are required for RC3/bindable quotes. Additional details are available below.

Short VIN behavior

Root detects short VIN values using the regular expression /^[0-9A-HJ-NPR-Z&*]{8}.[0-9A-HJ-NPR-Z]{1,8}$/ (ECMA 262 standard). An interactive demo is available here, so that integrations may test their own VIN values using the same expression. Longer, stubbed VINs may be trimmed to meet these formatting requirements.

Quoting note: short VIN values are valid for estimated (RC1) quotes, but not bindable ones. You should expect validation errors in quote responses following successful RC1 generation, as those are informing bindable (RC3) quote requirements. Estimated quotes will continue to be generated, assuming those requirements remain met.

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