
Agency > Get policies for your agency

Retrieves a list of policies associated with the agency, which may be filtered based on specified criteria.


Added `effectiveTimestamp` to Policy Bound webhook events

We've enhanced version 2 of our Policy Bound webhook to include an effectiveTimestamp field, providing immediate clarity into when the policy actually takes effect.


YearMakeModel Endpoint

With a VIN (or partial VIN) decode the Year, Make, and Model of a vehicle.


Retrieving Agent of Record information for Policy Binds

API integrations may now view the Agent of Record (AOR) associated with bound insurance policies, providing greater context and transparency for policy management.


Added quote rated webhook event

This webhook fires when a quote reaches a status of: completed, canceled, underwriting declined or underwriting pending.


Use known customer payments methods during bind

We've recently begun rolling out support so that API integrations may submit known credit card information for policy payment, without the use of Braintree's client libraries.


Policy Lifecycle Webhooks

New policy lifecycle webhooks for real-time policy event updates: endorsements, renewals, reinstatements, and cancellations.


Authenticate Bridge Link Endpoint

New bridge link endpoint for single-use token authentication.


Coverage Selection Enhancements

New state-based Available Coverages endpoint and experimental Coverage Rules endpoints.

Welcome to Root Bind API

Welcome to the developer hub and documentation for Root Bind API!